The kid at the toy shop
I love exploring Steam.
I just used to go through all of their pages, looking at all the new games being released and all of the innovative game concepts that they bring to every genre – and, on occasion, I would buy a strange new game that caught my eye. Have I mentioned that I am a true
I REALLY used to enjoy scrolling through their shop’s homepage. It was fun looking at all the different games – I felt like a kid in a toy shop!
Unfortunately, Steam has been “improving” certain features over the years.
A great idea.
In the past couple of years, however, they started to target audiences for their games. They started showing games that were similar to the types of games each player likes or plays. They even picked games that have just recently been released – or because they’re popular among my friends. What a great idea!…
While this was amazing for the first few months, I started to realize that the main store page on my girlfriend’s computer was so much more interesting than mine!
I thought… well… this couldn’t be right. How could it be that I was having more fun looking at her targeted games rather than my own?!
Suddenly I realized that my Steam homepage was pretty much static most of the time. Even though games jump up and down the page, they’re mostly showing me the same games over and over.

The toy shop that only sells Pet Rocks
I can tell you with 100% certainty that if I open up my Steam homepage right now, Star Wars: Jedi Knight and Star Wars: Republic Commando, as well as every single Commandos game will show up at the top of all game suggestions.
The reason for this being that I’ve added Star Wars Battlefront to my wishlist (back in 2011) and I’ve added Commandos 2 to my wishlist (in 2012).
Now, I’m not saying these are bad games. They’re not. But I’ve seen them on my homepage every single day for several years now!
…and for some odd reason, after all these years, Steam still thinks that today is the day when ViLa4480 is going to buy all these games!

I can’t help but think that they have someone in their offices wearing a cap and deciding which games are going to show up on my homepage…
Cranking the levers up and down (Steam Powered!) with an eager smile as my mouse hovers over those games.
“…He never gets to buy them!
Ah… Bugger – maybe tomorrow” – he says to himself.
Closing the shop
The truth is… I don’t enjoy going through the Steam homepage as much as I once did.
I used to enjoy the variety of games that showed up. But now I find myself mostly looking at the “Popular Releases” and the “Most sold” tabs as those reflect a little bit more variety than the rest of my targeted homepage.
While looking for something different, I decided to check which games were the best ranked of all time on steam.
I was surprised.
The first one… wasn’t even a game.
And this is how I got to find Papers, Please – The short film.
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Could not agree more mate 😀
Echo!!! You’re awesome!
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